Siddhanta Sangraha

by Spirit Apps

Books & Reference


The English translation of the Siddhanta Sangraha by Shri Shailacarya (18th century): dealing with Vishishtadvaita philosophy in five hundred Sanskrit verses. The author explains the essence of this philosophy in what he calls a “condensed form of Sri Vaishnava Siddhanta”. Vishishtadvaita represents an important sub-division of the Vedanta school and highlights the importance of the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahma Sutras.The Siddhanta Sangraha (Samgraha) closely follows the philosophical model of Vedanta Deshika (13th century), although Vishishta-Advaita was originally first propagated by Shri Ramanuja (11th century)